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Spoken Out Stories

The project:

Spoken Out Stories is a video series about helping people who went and/or are going through what a lot of people consider as a hard experience, and don’t see a way out to move on with their life. It is about sharing inspiring and moving stories of different people who come from different parts of the World, and tell us how they move forward with determination and optimism despite what they went through. It is about giving another perspective, another point of view on issues that can't be solvable with a bandage. It is telling people through these inspiring stories that you are enough, that you are worthy, that you are NOT alone and that it is okay to feel the way you feel. It is about putting a spotlight on people who speak out about their vulnerabilities in order to empower and support others in their pain.


The people:

Thanks to these inspiring people interviewed for Spoken Out Stories, without whom this project would not have seen the light of day. Click on their picture to check them out!

Ladda Boonmee

Francesca Anastasi

Bidisha Bhattacharya

Samantha Shakira Clarke

Jessica Coulthard

Get involved!

Do you want to be a part of Spoken Out Stories and share your story with the rest of the World? Have you been through a hard experience and moved forward with determination and courage? Do you have access to a green or blue screen, or live in Vancouver? Monnery Films would be honored to post your story on Spoken Out Stories' platforms.

Choose your preference:

There are multiple ways to consume Spoken Out Stories' content. Whether you prefer to read, watch, or listen, click on the option with which you are the most comfortable.

The videos:


The audios:

Here are all the audio streaming platforms Spoken Out Stories is on:

  • Spotify
  • Google Podcasts logo
  • Anchor logo
  • Pocket Casts
  • Breaker logo
  • Radio Public logo

The articles:


The social media pages:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
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